New eco-tourism activity in the Dão valley: The Caminho do Dão ~ a nature pilgrimage from the source to the mouth of the Dão river.…
Full of hope, positivity and the desire to go for a long walk ~ we are planning the Caminho do Dão for this spring. If… the air! This morning the Caminho do Dão was featured by Carl Munson on ‘Good Morning Portugal’ and he could not have done a…
When we walked the Caminho for the first time it was to get to know this valley better and to share our observations and experience…
The kind people we meet along the way. This message is dedicated to all the kind and open hearted people we have met on our…
The start of a long walk. In a field of newly planted ash trees the first water line of the Dão surfaces in the landscape.…
Bollos de Queijão ~ Boa primeira noite! First night of our Caminho do Dão ~ staying in Carapito. The village is in a festive mood,…
Trabalhando mais a fundo neste mapa para conhecer as características do vale do Dão.